My answer would be yes that schools do kill creativity, because school is like a drug. Everyone is different in their own ways, one student can be smarter than the other student while the other one needs more help. Every student is creative in their own ways. Like one student can be good in electives while the other one is good in Math. Some students  can understand whatever the teacher is saying the first time, but others need some time to figure out what they're trying to make them understand. I've seen some teachers focus on the students who have higher grades and some are focusing on the students who need help. To stop killing creativity I think all we have to do is just focus on every person's creativity and understand them better.  
Ms. Bertrand
9/11/2013 09:39:01 am

Interesting personal observations Gurpuneet. I agree with you. However, your response could be clearer, more thorough. It would have helped if you had articulated how your comments about intelligence relate to creativity.


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