My genius hour project first was on improving my drawing skills, but later I lost interest in drawing because drawing isn't really my cup of tea. Me and Arveen are now working together on genius hour and out topic is tie-dye. We selected this area because it is something creative and fun to do. Tie-dye is the process of taking a normal white shirt and dyeing it with a variety of colors.  In this area I hope to gain experience of how to tie dye and also to learn how to do different patterns on a shirt using the tie-dye technique.  

Tie-Die may look easy but it is not, theres a lot of work to do before you start tie-dying. You need to know what your doing and what you have to use. Also have to use the right technique to see results. There's two types of designs, one is a easy design and one is a difficult design. So first i will try the easier design to just get the hang of it and then move on to the difficult design and try other type of designs. 

                                                                                   Difficult Design 
                                                                                Easy Design

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